Train in operation Ascent rides: 08.30 – 16.30 / Descent rides: 08.30 – 17.00


Publisher, content and editing

Säntis-Schwebebahn AG
Hotel, Gastronomie, Events
CH-9107 Schwägalp Säntis
Tel. +41 71 365 65 65

Represented by: Jakob Gülünay
MwSt.-Nr.: CHE-105.771.789

Website concept, design and realisation
werbung · internet · strategie
Unteres Ziel 3
CH-9050 Appenzell
+41 71 788 39 40


Säntis-Schwebebahn AG makes information available on the Internet for general access. Säntis-Schwebebahn AG takes great care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information it provides and uses appropriate, constantly updated technical measures to ensure the secure and trouble-free operation of the Internet pages.
Nevertheless, it is not possible to prevent Internet risks from materialising in individual cases. As the provider of this website, Säntis-Schwebebahn AG accepts no liability for the topicality, completeness and accuracy of the pages and content provided.
However, as the provider of this website, Säntis-Schwebebahn AG is not obliged to monitor the transmitted or stored third-party information for its own content and the information provided on these pages. Such content will be removed or blocked immediately upon becoming aware of a specific infringement.

Säntis-Schwebebahn AG cannot guarantee that the information it makes available on the Internet is up-to-date, accurate and complete at all times and that it takes all conceivable circumstances into account.
Die Säntis-Schwebebahn AG kann ebenfalls nicht dafür einstehen, dass ihre elektronischen Informationsangebote sowie die angebotenen Funktionalitäten (wie z.B. eine Suchfunktion) jederzeit störungsfrei benutzt und die abgefragten Informationen reibungslos und fehlerfrei übertragen werden können.
Säntis-Schwebebahn AG cannot completely prevent its Internet pages from being altered by unauthorised third parties or contaminated with viruses and other malware.
Säntis-Schwebebahn AG has no influence on external sites to which it links. It can therefore not guarantee that the information contained on such sites is correct, that the content is free from malware (such as viruses) or that the data protection legislation is complied with.
Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage caused by the content of linked pages lies solely with the provider of the linked page. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or whether there is any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of use or other reasons of any kind.
Säntis-Schwebebahn AG also cannot guarantee that these links will always function properly and that they will always refer to the same content.
Säntis-Schwebebahn AG has no influence on pages that link to its website, which is why it cannot accept any responsibility for them.
Säntis-Schwebebahn AG reserves the right to modify individual information offers or functionalities, to fundamentally redesign them or to remove them from the network without prior notice. Therefore, it cannot be held responsible for the consequences of certain information no longer being available or no longer being available in its previous form.

Urheberrechte und verwandte Rechte
Die im Internet verwendeten Informationsmittel (wie Texte, Illustrationen, Logos, Fotos, Videos, Ton-Dokumente, Grafiken sowie das Layout) der Säntis-Schwebebahn AG sind immaterialgüterrechtlich und insbesondere urheberrechtlich geschützt, soweit sie nicht durch einschlägige Rechtsnormen ausdrücklich vom Schutz ausgenommen werden.
Die auf den Internetseiten von der Säntis-Schwebebahn AG zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen dürfen deshalb nur angesehen, zum Eigengebrauch heruntergeladen und ausgedruckt werden. Damit werden jedoch keine weiteren Rechte bezüglich der Inhalte übertragen. Das Reproduzieren, Verknüpfen oder Benutzen für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung der Säntis-Schwebebahn AG untersagt. Wenn Sie Software und/oder andere Informationen herunterladen oder auf andere Weise bearbeiten, bleiben sämtliche Eigentumsrechte bei der Säntis-Schwebebahn AG.
Jede weitere Verwendung von Inhalten aus den Internetseiten der Säntis-Schwebebahn AG und insbesondere das Einbinden (über Frames oder Inlinelinks) in andere Seiten ist nur mit Einverständnis der Rechtsinhabenden gestattet.

External links
The website contains so-called ‘external links’ (links) to other websites over whose content the provider of the website has no influence. For this reason, Säntis-Schwebebahn AG cannot accept any liability for this content.
The respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided. No legal infringements were recognisable at the time of linking. If we become aware of such an infringement, the link will be removed immediately.

Data protection Data security
When you visit the website, information (date, time, page accessed) about the access can be stored on the server. No personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address) is stored.
Please refer to the data protection declaration of Säntis-Schwebebahn AG.

Säntis-Schwebebahn AG would like to point out that the transmission of data on the Internet (e.g. by e-mail) is subject to security vulnerabilities and that complete protection of data against access by third parties cannot be guaranteed. Säntis-Schwebebahn AG accepts no liability for any damage caused by such security gaps.
If data is transmitted to Säntis-Schwebebahn AG (e.g. by means of a contact form provided), neither confidential nor reliable data transmission can be guaranteed. In addition, Säntis-Schwebebahn AG will normally also reply to such contacts electronically, for which in turn neither confidentiality nor integrity of the transmitted data can be guaranteed. Therefore, no sensitive (e.g. confidential) data should be transmitted in this way.

Data Protection Advisor Säntis-Schwebebahn AG::
The data protection advisor responsible for data protection issues in connection with the Säntis-Schwebebahn AG website is: Mr Urs Dähler
