Train in operation

Group and supporting events programs

Soaking up the fresh mountain air on the Säntis, then discovering the NaturErlebnispark natural park on the Schwägalp pass, watching Alpine cheesemaking or going snowshoeing – whatever the season, the team experiences we offer for you and those accompanying you to recharge your batteries are surprisingly varied.

What’s more, there are also cultural and food events all year round on the Schwägalp and the Säntis. Browse through our event calendar and find the perfect event for you.

Schwaegalp Laternliweg

Lantern trail

Pristine nature you have to see to believe. A truly magical evening!

Schwaegalp Fondue


Appenzell Sunday buffet

Regional speciality buffet with starters, warm delicacies and desserts accompanied by live music in the Panorama Restaurant on the Säntis.


Snowshoeing and a cozy fondue feast – you’ll feel like you’re in your own personal winter fairy tale!

Schwaegalp summer hiking trail


Hiking on the Schwägalp pass is a special treat in the evening.

Restaurant Saentisgipfel Breakfast

Säntis Zmorge

Every day you have the opportunity to start the day with a marvellous view over 6 countries and a rich breakfast.


Tear up the snow as you glide and slide through a magical winter wonderland by sled or bobsled.

Restaurant Saentisgipfel Terrace Restaurant

Säntis lunch

Here you can enjoy a delicious lunch every day at 2502 metres above sea level

Schwaegalp sled dog rides


A husky experience is all about tearing up the snow and feeling the exhilaration. Want to meet and ride with sled dogs? We’ve got the perfect husky ad

Starry night

Enjoy a 4-course meal on the Säntis under a clear starry sky and a blank moon.

Saentis summit view summer

Full moon cable car ride

Experience incomparable evening trips up the Säntis and marvel at the mountain panorama in the moonlight.

Saentis summit weather house summer

Guided tour «Säntis - the weather mountain»

Immerse yourself in this interactive experience and explore all things weather and an extraordinary panorama

2014 Construction exterior view

Hotelführung «Säntis – das Hotel»

Take a peek behind the scenes at the hotel

Saentis summit aerial tramway cabins summer

Führung «Bahnanlage der Talstation»

Experience the latest in cable car technology on the Schwägalp pass.

Saentis summit weather house winter

Führung «Säntisgipfel»

Rediscover the summit

Revolving aperitif Saentis suspension railroad


It’s not just the head that turns here, but the bar itself.

Saentis summit railroad winter


An exhilarating descent from the Säntis summit for experienced skiers – an experience you won’t forget.

Schwaegalp Winter TopaZ

Abenteuer-Zeitreisen TOPAZ

Looking for somewhere to hold your special team event on the Schwägalp pass or the Säntis summit?

Information and reservations

If you were unable to find a supporting event that appeals to you, we would be happy to provide you with additional ideas for summer and winter activities.
